Monday, December 21, 2009
Are you also a victim of the same company or individual? Want Justice? File a Rip-off Report, help other consumers to be educated and don't let them get away with it!
14-3650 LANGSTAFF RD #100
Web Address:
Category: Telemarketers
Submitted: Thursday, April 16, 2009
Last posting: Thursday, November 05, 2009
I am not proud to say that I was scammed by the famous Maria Duval shysters. I fell for their offer for the crappy "ring of Re" for only $10!!! Which got me on their mailing list and on the mailing list of about a million other weirdos with nonsense to sell me! I am receiving a mailing from Maria Duval at "Destiny Research Center" in Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada, about twice a week at least, sometimes more...and lots of other direct marketing companies too!
Is there anything I can do to get off these stupid mailing lists? Can anyone help me to stop this harrassment?
Brampton, Ontario
Friday, November 20, 2009
Family Crest
I have our family crest on my Space.
You can use the above link to see.
Love Robin
Sunday, November 15, 2009
pumpkin for the Holidays
Hello I have come across a site that has lots of pumpkin recipes. I am going to try one for pumpkin pie. pumpkin bread, and Creamy pumpkin Soup for the holidays coming up.
My Pumpkin Candle sense burning is great for getting me in the spirit of Thanksgiving. If you would like to know how to get one check me out at
Have a festive Thanksgiving.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
10/01/09—Fraudsters continue to hijack accounts on social networking sites and spread malicious software by using various techniques. One technique involves the use of spam to promote phishing sites, claiming there has been a violation of the terms of agreement or some other type of issue which needs to be resolved. Other spam entices users to download an application or view a video. Some spam appears to be sent from users' "friends", giving the perception of being legitimate. Once the user responds to the phishing site, downloads the application, or clicks on the video link, their computer, telephone or other digital device becomes infected.
Another technique used by fraudsters involves applications advertised on social networking sites, which appear legitimate; however, some of these applications install malicious code or rogue anti-virus software. Other malicious software gives the fraudsters access to your profile and personal information. These programs will automatically send messages to your "friends" list, instructing them to download the new application too.
Infected users are often unknowingly spreading additional malware by having infected websites posted on their webpage without their knowledge. Friends are then more apt to click on these sites since they appear to be endorsed by their contacts.
Tips on avoiding these tactics:
- Adjust website privacy settings. Some networking sites have provided useful options to assist in adjusting these settings to help protect your identity.
- Be selective of your friends. Once selected, your "friends" can access any information marked as "viewable by all friends."
- You can select those who have "limited" access to your profile. This is for those whom you do not wish to give full friend status to or with whom you feel uncomfortable sharing personal information.
- Disable options and then open them one by one such as texting and photo sharing capabilities. Users should consider how they want to use the social networking site. If it is only to keep in touch with people then perhaps it would be better to turn off the extra options which will not be used.
- Be careful what you click on. Just because someone posts a link or video to their "wall" does not mean it is safe.
Those interested in becoming a user of a social networking site and/or current users are recommended to familiarize themselves with the site's policies and procedures before encountering such a problem.
Each social networking site may have different procedures on how to handle a hijacked or infected account; therefore, you may want to reference their help or FAQ page for instructions.
Individuals who experienced such incidents are encouraged to file a complaint at reporting the incident.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Tips for Handling Telemarketers
Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft. Get it now.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Help! I need some organization
Hello, I have been busy working and been away for awhile. When walking into my home office the mail and papers had over whelmed me terribly. I found this article by AVERY Lables to help me organize my little office. As I know many of us could us some help and am passing this article on to you.
This article is sponsored by Avery Labels DIY Organization. Avery offers productive solutions for all of your mailing, shipping, filing and organization projects at home and at the office. Go now to enter the "What's Your Label?" sweepstakes for a chance to win your dream organizational makeover!
People are complicated creatures. Who knows how we end up with certain character traits? Sure, I know I have my mother's nose. I've been told I have my father's temperament (which I'm not sure is a good thing...) and when it comes to my taste in food? Well, Grandma taught me to love the spice.
But what about my organizational skills? Where does the blame fall? Are my organizational deficiencies a result of how I was raised? My mother would surely object! Perhaps it has to do with my DNA. Maybe I'm missing a special organizer-gene. What would that mean for my hopes of becoming an organization super-star? If the ability to organize is something you're either born with or without, I might be wasting a lot of energy.
Learning to Organize
The truth of the matter is this: While it may sometimes feel like organization is a skill we're not fundamentally wired for, it has little to do with DNA. It's a skill, like any other. One that must be learned, practiced and continuously honed. No matter how we were raised or how we've been living, we always have the ability to become more organized.
How? Well, that's the hard part. Here are a few simple steps even the most chronically disorganized person can take to get started in the right direction.
1. Make It a Priority
Most people who are not organized have never consciously made the decision to BE organized. They simply haven't seen it as a priority and that's fine - for some. However, if your lack of organization is bothering you or hindering your performance at work or at home, it's time to make a change. Becoming an organized person isn't something that happens without mental and physical effort. You may need to shift your priorities in order to have the available resources needed to fully engage in the task. Think about it, and - if you're really ready to become organized - make the decision.
2. Build Habits
Once you've decided that you're willing to commit yourself to this project, the work is just beginning. In fact, the work is never over. I know that's hard to hear but it's the truth. Getting organized and staying organized requires building habits into your daily routine. Create a structure that will help keep you on track. Remember, it's easier to keep up with a program by doing little bits on a daily basis than to slack off and play catch up later.
3. Dedicate Time
More than likely, you won't wake up one morning and "be organized". It doesn't just happen overnight. It takes persistence and time. Sometimes, it takes a very LONG time. Don't give up! Give yourself a year if that's what it takes. Maybe even two! Eventually, one day you will wake up and realize that you're much more organized than you've ever been.
4. Purchase the RIGHT Products
You can't build a skill without the right tools. Note - this doesn't mean you need every tool out there! Focus on products that help you solve a problem, and avoid those that just take up space. Choose quality items that will last. Remember that a little up-front investment will pay dividends in the future.
And we're not talking a huge investment here. In fact, one of the most effective organizational tools is also the most inexpensive: The simple - but powerful - Avery Label. Now, you may think of an Avery Label as a tool for mailing and shipping, but it's also much more. With a wide variety of colors, shapes and sizes, you can find Avery Labels to help organize almost any part of your home or office. Here are just a few ideas to help get you started:
- Use Avery Removable Label Pads to tag and color-code important paperwork in overflowing file folders or to call attention to specific passages on documents.
- Use Avery Easy Peel White Shipping Labels to clearly mark the contents of storage boxes or stick a personal message on a nicely wrapped gift.
- Use Avery Easy Peel Clear Address Labels to unobtrusively label anything from photos to office equipment.
5. Learn from the Experts
The best way to learn a new skill is to work with a coach. Trained professionals have access to all kinds of resources and information that the rest of us don't. Plus, a professional can give you feedback - let you know what you're doing well, and where you need to make improvements. You don't necessarily have to engage with a professional organizer one-on-one. You can learn from resources online, books, workshops and even TV shows.
Your first stop for expert advice should be the Avery Labels DIY Organization website. Jodie Watson, Founder and President of Supreme Organization and Organizing Expert from TLC's "Real Simple. Real Life." is working with Avery Dennison to provide everything you need to take control at home and at the office. You'll find articles, tips from experts, and helpful products and tools to assess your organizational skills, including access to personalized feedback from Jodie herself.
And, as an added bonus, when you take the DIY Organization personality quiz, you'll be automatically entered into a sweepstakes for a chance to win a $5000 organizational makeover at your office or home from Jodie Watson. The sweepstakes also features weekly prize drawings for shopping sprees with $500 AMEX gift cards and Avery prize packs featuring select products and gift cards.
Perhaps the "organizer-gene" does exist. Maybe some folks are just born to be excellent musicians as well. That doesn't mean the rest of us can't learn how to play piano. It might not be second nature - at first. But eventually, with the right help and a little discipline, we can definitely make progress!
Find out if organization is a part of your personality!! Visit the Avery Labels DIY Organization website today to take your free DIY organization personality quiz and be entered to win a $5000 organizational makeover at your home or office from organization expert Jodie Watson.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
How To Clean a house with Homemade Remedies
How to Clean a House With Homemade Remedies
By Erinn Valencich, eHow Expert in Interior Design- Step 1
Use dish detergent to mop your floors. Start by mixing 2 tablespoons of detergent into 1 gallon of water. This mixture will give your floors a shiny surface that is easy to rinse (I also like to add scented fragrance to the mop water to get rid of odors). Try using this to clean your windows also, and wipe with dryer sheets to avoid lint.
- Step 2
Soak 4 cups of thyme in 1 gallon of water for several days to get rid of that icky mildew that sticks to your bathtub and sinks. Use this mixture and scrub down the area. Toothpaste is also a good ingredient to bleach your bathroom tiles and sinks.
- Step 3
Immerse a damp cloth in white vinegar to wipe any chrome surfaces clean. You can also soak any chrome items in the vinegar. A baking soda and water mixture is also great on chrome surfaces and ovens. To clean an oven, scrub it with baking soda and water. Leave the cleaning solution overnight and wipe clean the next day.
- Step 4
Spray denture cleaner all over the toilet bowl and leave overnight to get rid of all the germs that collect. Scrub the bowl with a brush the next day. You can also drop three Vitamin C capsules in the bowl.
- Step 5
Freshen a room with your own air freshener. Besides mopping your floor with scented water, you can also create homemade air fresheners. Saturate a ball of cotton with your favorite scent and put it in an open container or put scented oil on your light bulbs (the heat from the bulbs will create a fragrance in the air). You can also put it in the vacuum cleaner bag while you vacuum. For a clean, outdoor scent, immerse spruce tree cones in water for 24 hours. Boil for 2 hours and put it in a humidifier. Another way to bring a natural scent to your kitchen is to boil grapefruit, lemon and oranges and let it simmer for an hour.
- Step 6
Polish and protect your furniture by creating your own polish. Mix 1 teaspoon of olive oil and ½ cup of lemon juice. Put mixture in a spray bottle, spray and wipe with a dry cloth. Another way to create furniture polish is by mixing 1 tablespoon of lemon oil with 4 cups of mineral oil.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Mystery Shopper Tips
Mystery Shoppers Tips
During times of economic stress, many of us are looking for opportunities to make extra money online. One of my good friends, who has been out of work for several months, called me a few days ago to tell me that she had just started as a mystery shopper in our area. My first response was one of concern as I proceeded to lecture her on the pitfalls of the countless scams surrounding mystery shopping. I couldn’t help but pop off a long list of questions. Are you paying anything upfront? Did you get a check for $4134 in the mail? Are you spending your own money? If she hadn’t been talking to me on the phone, she may have slapped me up side the head.
No, she assured me that she had done her research. Being the most organized of all of my friends, she calmly told me that she had found an organization that was legitimate and very highly regarded. Apparently, there is an association online called the Mystery Shopping Providers Association (MSPA). From the website:
The MSPA is the largest professional trade association dedicated to improving service quality using anonymous resources. With over 150 member companies worldwide, our diverse membership includes marketing research and merchandising companies, private investigation firms, training organizations and companies that specialize in providing mystery shopping services. Our member companies work with their clients to establish mechanisms to measure and improve levels of service.
Mystery shopping is a valuable tool used by some of the largest retailers, restaurants and banks to understand and enhance the experience they provide to customers. However, it is not a quick and easy way to make a large sum of money and receive “freebies.” The MSPA has developed the following tips for those interested in becoming a mystery shopper:
- Prospective shoppers do not have to pay a fee to become a mystery shopper. Shoppers should be extremely wary of any mystery shopping offer that requests a fee.
- Visit the MSPA Web site ( for a list of reputable mystery shopping companies and opportunities. Contact the companies directly, not the MSPA, for more information on how to become a shopper.
- Be patient. It takes time, sometimes months or even longer, to be contacted with an offer to conduct a shopping assignment.
- Be cautious of opportunities that offer large sums of money for simple tasks like cashing a check or wiring money. A typical mystery shopping evaluation will earn about $8 to $20. If an assignment sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
My friend has been very pleased with the process so far and has agreed to an interview about her experiences which I will post in the near future.
This company requires you to pay for a GOLD MEMBER SPONSOR after you sign up for free - as they claim that the only good jobs are offered to Gold Level - so now instead of that - they have made a DVD for you to become gold level for $99.00 plus s&h.
If you don’t put in for gold status - there are very few jobs. I thought there was a company that did not require you to pay?
Friday, May 29, 2009
Dog Pack Attacks Gator in Florida

Dog Pack Attacks Gator In Florida
At times nature can be cruel, but there is also a raw beauty, and even a certain justice manifested within that cruelty.
The alligator, one of the oldest and ultimate predators, normally considered the "apex predator", can still fall victim to implemented 'team work' strategy, made possible due to the tight knit social structure and "survival of the pack mentality" bred into the canines.
See the remarkable photograph below courtesy of Nature Magazine.
Note that the Alpha dog has a muzzle hold on the gator preventing it from breathing, while another dog has a hold on the tail to keep it from thrashing. The third dog attacks the soft underbelly of the gator.
Not for the squeamish
Laughter is good for the soul. Have a Great Day!
Smile I see you....
Scam letters contain Spyware and Trojan horses
Scam letters contain Spyware and Trojan horses.
Spyware reads all your files, including the files your browsers keep on your hard drive. That means all your files and all your internet activity.
Trojan horses open doors in your firewall, allowing scammers to watch your screen on their computer in real time.
Your passwords, your user names, your entire identity is sold to men and women who pretend to be you to avoid arrest.
Your passwords, your user names, your entire identity is sold over and over and over again around the world to bad, bad people.
They set up accounts in your name. They commit crimes using your name. They establish credit using your name. They enter countries illegally using your name.
They cheat, they steal, they run drugs, they sell guns, they commit fraud, they leave huge debts,
I urge you to run your anti-spyware and anti-virus programs every day.
Your anti-virus software and spyware program cannot tell ahead of time what malicious devices are going to be created, they can only deal with them AFTER they have hit the Internet and they've had time to develop an eliminator.
I urge you to erase all records of your Internet activity from your hard drive.
Until you do, nothing you do on the Internet is safe from strangers. They know where you go, what you look at, what you say in chat rooms, where and how you log-in to secure sites.
Believe me when I say this:
Being a fraud victim is terrifying!
This has been a message from Annie McGuire, CEO & Founder, Fraud Aid
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Government Sponsored Free Cell Phones
Check out this site to see if you qualify for a Free Cell Phone and phone service..
the government is giving these out to those who qualify so check it out.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Blackberry Curve Polishes off Apples iPhone sales
Blackberry Curve Polishes Off Apple's iPhone in Salesin Messaging and CollaborationDATE: 2009-05-05 Article Rating: Article Views: 4551
Scentsy: The Hottest New Thing in Candles
You can buy products, Join the team for extra money, Host a party and have fun..Check it out. ****
Monday, April 27, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
ABCDEFG Kids as Smart as they Can Be
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
New Phishing Scam-Yahoo
Dear Yahoo Subcriber,
We are currently carrying out an upgrade on our system due to the fact
that it has come to our notice that one or more of our subscribers are
introducing a very strong virus into our system and it is affecting our
network.We are trying to find out the specific person.
For this reason all subscribers are to provide their USER NAME AND
PASSWORD for us to verify and have them cleared against this virus.
Failure to comply will lead to the termination of your Account in the next
48 hours.
Information to send;
EMAIL ADDRESS:.............
Hoping to serve you better.
Yahoo mail Support
This is an Administrative Message from Yahoo Mail server. It is not spam.
From time to time, Yahoo mail server will send you such messages in order
to communicate important information about your subscription.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Web site to check if an Email is fake or scam
Here is a web site you can check out those emails that you think might be fake
or a scam. Please you it and protect yourself.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Federal Bureau of Investigation Seeking to Wiretap-SCAM
Intelligence Note
Hello have you received an email claiming to be from the FBI for the Nigerian Finance House Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING IT IS FROM THE FBI SCAM SITE......
Prepared by the Internet Crime
Complaint Center (IC3)
December 10, 2008
Flurry of Spam Targeting the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Consumers continue to be inundated by spam purportedly from the
FBI. As with previous spam attacks, the latest versions use the names
of several high ranking executives within the FBI and even the IC3 to attempt to
defraud consumers.
Many of the spam e-mails currently in circulation claim to be an "official order"
from the FBI's Anti-Terrorist and Monetary Crimes Division, from an alleged FBI
unit in Nigeria, confirm an inheritance or contain a lottery notification, all informing
recipients they have been named the beneficiary of millions of dollars.
To claim the large sum, recipients are instructed to furnish their personally identifiable
information (PII)
and are often threatened with some type of penalty, such as prosecution, if they
fail to do so. Specific PII information requested includes, but is not
limited to, the recipient's name, banking information, telephone number, and a copy
of their passport.
The spam e-mail allegedly from the IC3 states that the recipient has extorted money
and will be given a limited amount of time to refund the money or face prosecution.
Do not respond. These e-mails are a hoax.
The FBI does not send unsolicited e-mails of this nature. FBI Executives are briefed
on numerous investigations but do not personally contact consumers regarding such
matters. In addition, the IC3 does not send threatening letters to consumers demanding
payments for Internet crimes.
Consumers should not respond to any unsolicited e-mails or click on any embedded
links associated with such e-mails, as they may contain viruses or malware.
It is imperative consumers guard their PII. Providing your PII will compromise your
If you have been a victim of Internet crime, please file a complaint at
For previous PSAs concerning e-mail scams targeting the FBI and other government
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Another Scam/Fraud-Johnston 48hrs Finance 09
X-Originating-IP: [], Nigeria, Lagos,, IP Block Assigned for Mobile Data Services Network at Ojota
This is another Fraud/Scam please be educated and do not respond. Check out the origination IP address..
Johnston 48hrs Finance Loan (
Attention Sir/Madam,
We Are Currently Offering Private,Commercial, Business and Personal Loans with very Minimal annual Interest Rates as Low as 3% within any year to any part of the world.If you are interested then reply to this email address below.E-mail; and then Fill out the application details below
so that we can start the processing of your loan.
First Name:
Last Name:
Marital status:
Contact Address:
City/Zip code:
Date of Birth:
Monthly Income/Yearly
Category of loan needed as
stated above:
Purpose for Loan:
In acknowledgment to these details, I will send you a well calculated
Terms and Condition.
lordjames_6: more, be informed that you will also need a form of Identification
which can be either a Driver's License, international passport or
your current work Identity card.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Johnston Brooke.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Six Things You Should Know About Obama’s ‘Spend and Tax’ Budget
Six Things You Should Know About Obama’s ‘Spend and Tax’ Budget
By Peter Roff
Senior Fellow, Institute for Liberty/Former Senior Political Writer, United Press International
Though he campaigned as an economic centrist, the Obama budget that went to Capitol Hill last week marks a dramatic return to the high-tax ideology of the pre-Clinton Democratic Party. His budget includes a net tax increase of over $1 trillion over the next decade. If that were not bad enough, the same document reveals that more than $325 billion of the advertized $770 billion in family tax cuts is actually new spending. And it gets worse from there.
According to analyses of the budget undertaken by different public policy organizations:
No. 1: The Obama budget raises the top income tax bracket to 39.6 percent from 35 percent and takes the 33 percent bracket to 36 percent. The Obama budget officially estimates these new rates will transfer $339 billion out of the private economy and into the public coffers.
No. 2: These new rates will depress economic activity even further, producing less revenue than the budget writers expect it to. Supporters of the increased rates claim the new rates only hurt the rich. These new higher rates will apply to a small minority of the minority of working Americans who actually pay income taxes but they are the rates at which two out of every three dollars in profits realized by small businesses are taxed. This includes, by some estimates, 90 percent of the profits from partnerships and subchapter S corporations and 40 percent of the profits from sole proprietorships.
No. 3: The budget also presumes the death tax will — after it reaches zero in 2010 — go back on the books at a top rate of 45 percent and a $3.5 million exemption because Congress failed to make its elimination permanent. This is hidden in a footnote in the Obama budget, not included in the policy proposals or the $1 trillion price tag.
No. 4: The double-taxation of international corporate profits will be made even worse by applying it to profits before they are repatriated, bringing in an estimated $210 billion in tax revenues and acting as a powerful incentive for capital to leave the United States and a time when we desperately need it to remain here.
No. 5: The Obama budget raises the capital gains and dividends tax for upper-income earners from 15 percent to 20 percent. And it raises the dividends tax in the same way, adding anther body blow to an already reeling Wall Street and to seniors living on retirement investment.
No. 6: The Obama budget also contemplates a “cap and trade” system it estimates will generate close to $650 billion in revenues that will fund the Making Work Pay checks (including those $325 billion in so-called “tax cuts” for people who don’t pay taxes), energy research, and other social spending. Previously, energy taxes were used only for specific and designated purposes, like filling the federal highway trust fund. And every American family will have to pay these new taxes, as well as the other increased taxes on energy contained within the budget.
President Obama sent Congress a “spend and tax” budget. Having already incurred the obligations to spend the money in the stimulus package, the Democrats are now sending the American people the bill. Regardless of what was promised or claimed during the presidential campaign it is now clear that Obama meant what he said when he promised to “spread the wealth around.”
American Motto

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Quote for the Day
George S. Patton
"Don't fight a battle if you don't gain anything by winning."
Monday, March 2, 2009
British Anniversary Promotion
Dr. Arthur Huluska, British Lottery Promo
Received: from, Czech Telecom Internet on line
From: ""
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2009
British Anniversary Promotion
Watford, Head Office and Regional Centre Camelot Group plc,
Tolpits Lane, Watford, Herts, WD18 9RN
Registered in England and Wales No. 2822203
Attention: Winner
In line with the commemorating event marking our anniversary of America's first permanent English colony, we rolled out over £16,000.000.00 (Sixteen Million Great Britain Pounds) for our 42nd Anniversary Draws Which thereby won you £850,000 GBP. All participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn form 25,000 companies mobile numbers/email addresses, and 30,000,000 individual mobile numbers/email addresses from the 45 mobile networks from Australia, New Zealand, North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Middle East and Africa as part of International Promotions Program, which is conducted annually in Britain, London.
This promo is approved by the British Gaming Board and also licensed by the International Association of Gaming Regulators (IAGR). This promo is the 1st of its kind and we intend to sensitize the public. To begin the verification process of your prize, you are required to fill and submit the below verification worksheet to our representative, Dr Arthur Huluska with private email address: [] for quick verification
All fields are required:
*You are to send a scanned copy of your Passport or Driver's lisence along with this form.
I wish to on behalf of all members and staff of british government © congratulate you on your win and wish you the best of luck as you spend your good fortune. Thank you for being part of our commemorative Anniversary Draws.
Yours In Service,
British Lottery Promo Co-Ordinator: Dr. Arthur Huluska
Tel Number: +44 704 570 9700
. You have entered the Dragon's Lair, but beware of the Dragon's fire!!
Crazy Carl
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Old 02-28-2009, 06:42 PM
Posts: n/a
i got one of these toooo....sooo fake..the british dont want to give us money
Reply With Quote
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Kiss Your Brain
A update for our web site Kiss Your Brain. Only 4 days left for the Minisite-free activity.Next week I will launch the new Kiss Your Brain site with the free activity and E-Book full of 26 different activities for sale at $9.95.
I am so excited. This is a project we have been working on for months and excited to get it up and running.
We hop all will enjoy having some fun with your children while they are secretly learning new skills.
Have a Good Day.
Friday, February 20, 2009
S&A Neveda Royalties
In this report by Matt Badiali He talks about Neveda Royalties but never really let you know how to find out about them or how to invest in them. He is after a $49 -$99 subscribtion fee on his S&A Oil Report.
This is a scam. please go to for more information and the Law Suit against this company.
At first I read the report and thought this would be a great thing to get into. Thank God I did some research on the company and Nevada Royalties before doing anything. I suggest not losing your money and always research anything or anyone before spending your money.
God bless and success
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Make Money with Google
You order a cd for $1.95 to cover shipping and guess what. In the fine
print you will be billed 39.99 a month for their service.
I highly recomend not signing up for this program they are just after your credit card
information. Read the fine print to see for sure you want this program and remember
they can not guarantee that you will make money.
good luck and success
robin sherwood
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Antivirus 360
Have you been bothered with a pop up that keeps saying you have all kinds of virus's and Trojans? A program that claims to detect and clean them off. If you look at your windows security logo and you see horns on it then you have the Antivirus 360.
They are trying to get you to spend $50.00 to mess up your machine. This is a Trojan do not respond or download.....
Do a search for A360. There is a file and an uninstall file. Do the uninstall. This will take most of it off. Do another virus scan for possible remains. I have contacted windows on this and will see what response they give me.
If you do respond chances are you will end up totally reformatting your machine. What a night mare...
I hope this information can help you.
So Please do not respond, download or buy into this program even though it looks like Windows it is not.....